Anonymous ID: add2c3 May 1, 2018, 7:50 a.m. No.1261272   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1334 >>1338 >>1487 >>1608 >>1634

12 hours ago an anon reported a visual of an AWACS circling over Tulsa, OK for ~4 hours. I never found him on radar but there were indeed 3 AWACS in the area over N TX + OK, only one appearing on radar.


So today I go back to check the area and find a Gulfstream flagged US Missile Defense Agency (never seen that flag before) making loops over Tulsa, and 1 AWACS aloft S of Norman OK (pic)


Would appreciate comment from experienced planefags?!?

Anonymous ID: add2c3 May 1, 2018, 8:37 a.m. No.1261651   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1802


Digging a bit on US Missile Defense Agency to figure out why they are fielding their own aircraft.




  1. (paywalled).

Anatomy Of U.S. Missile Defense Agency’s Key Systems Excerpt:

Anatomy of a Ground-Based Interceptor Key Suppliers: Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle: Raytheon and Aerojet Rocketdyne Integrated Boost Vehicle: Boeing and Orbital ATK Oversight: Missile Defense Agency GMD Joint Program Office The Ground-Based Interceptor (GBI) is the central flight component of the Boeing Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system, standing 54.5 ft. tall and measuring 50 in. in diameter with a liftoff mass of 49,567 lb. It is the only operational U.S. interceptor …



US Missile Defense Agency Tests UAS For Boost-Phase Targeting

The U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA) plans to continue testing the use of Reaper unmanned aircraft for ballistic missile target discrimination in the near term because taking that mission to space is still too costly.

The agency terminated plans this year to design and build a follow-on to the two orbiting Space Tracking Surveillance System satellites, which have been used to launch a ship-based SM-3 successfully against a target. “We want to go to space,” said Rich Matlock, director of advanced technology for MDA. But fielding a constellation of satellites capable of acquiring a target and tracking it through the midcourse of flight is far too expensive a goal for the near term.

Instead, MDA is experimenting with using unmanned aircraft to look up at targets, providing additional discrimination and targeting information. MDA has purchased at least four Raytheon MTS-B payloads for this purpose. But the goal is to test the upgraded MTS-C, which will incorporate a long-wave infrared detector into the system. Long-wave infrared is optimized for tracking cold bodies, such as missiles and warheads after booster burnout, or plumes and exhaust.

Ground testing will be conducted on the improved system in the next two months… [article was published in 2013]


Well none of these articles reveals what the aircraft we spotted over Oklahoma is up to…