Anonymous ID: d0529d May 1, 2018, 8:34 a.m. No.1261633   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They are fuking playing us, John Q Public, to a fukin tune. What better way to get their agenda through than to split into two factions and play out their respect parts in a Hegelian Dialectic to get exactly what they want. Iran doesn't have a fuking Nuclear weapons agenda, Israel itching to get rid of them and set up their fucking antichrist kingdom. WAIT TIL THEY BLOW UP THE DOME OF THE ROCK AT THE END OF THE YEAR TO BUILD SOLOMN'S TEMPLE ON TOP OF IT!! You Zionist Christians will get what you have coming to you too for supporting Israel, when they continue to KILL you everywhere they find you in the world. Some people never fucking learn. NEVER!!!