Anonymous ID: f89ec3 May 1, 2018, 8:20 a.m. No.1261537   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Concerning the VA being resistant to repair –


There is a LOT of money that is supposed to go to real vets, who are left to languish and die, that is being siphoned off by … someone. It may be part of the funding for CIA/Cabal, it's the only thing that makes sense.


NoName knows about this. I posted about this many breads ago. Edwin Crosby talked about it as an additional issue in the YT interview I saw, somewhere about halfway through (part 4 or 5, link below to part 1). His main issue is the spin codes on Nam vets' DD214s that unfairly deny them employment and benefits. That is outrageous in itself, but he also saw that many vets were awarded monthly benefit checks that were diverted and never got to the vets. The checks were cashed, millions stolen. He told NoName and Biden about it, but neither did anything about it (except to probably demand their cut, I guess).


If this were to be exposed on the larger stage, this type of corruption, then another source of $$ to the cabal would be cut off, and directly implicate whatever elected officials are party to it or have knowledge of it.


We also have to consider that our tried and true warriors are exactly the people that the cabal wants to see dead. They've already been shamed, marginalized, dishonored.

