I am trying to grab a poster from last bread suggesting the Earth was only 6000 years old. Please go on. I am listening.
Can you explain to me, practically, how this is possible. Dead serious, I am sure you probably have a good answer.
The true Aryan has convinced the descendants of Lemuria, the original Germanics, that they too are Aryan.
You are not of the Aryan nation. This is a lie.
You are a Lemurian. You may have olive skin and a round face. You do not have high cheek bones and deeper white complexion. Look around you, it is obvious.
Don't you see all the pretty people? They are more beautiful than the us.
They can fuck themselves. I don't care if they are pretty and got shapes of geometry. I got Jesus and stuff. They can piss out my faith and genetics.
The ancient Atlantians are enslaving the ancient Lemurians.
The Atlantians use telepathy. It is part of their neandrathal genetics. You don't speak telepathy? I wonder why.
I do believe America. There are large portions of this country. People who were raised, from birth, on telepathic communication.
I was not raised this way. I do not know what they are told or what this communication is regarding. I believe they view us as a sub-human species. A nasty creature to be bred out and put to labor..
You must recontextualize yourselves.
Remove the nation state.
Remove the continents.
Go back.
The war is as old as the beginning of time.