The military is in control of all the pure-blood shifters. There are real E.T. here and they control a system of what looks like robotic demon things. I don't fucking know. Just don't mess with it if it doesn't speak fucking American English. If it don't make sense. That shit is a broken robot speaking nonsense.
They are 4th dimensional beings, you see their 3d self because you live in the 3D. The E.T. sees your 4D self because they live in the 4D. All dimensions are on a single plane.
The demon E.T. consumes 4D energy from the 3D human beings. It doesn't hurt, but they like it best when it lives in fear. It creates some different tasting energy, aka more commonly as loosh.
I do share some E.T. genetics, as does everyone of European descent. Now. That means they feed off our energy. If you are 25% Atlantean, 25% of your energy field can be consumed by the Atlantean system, also known as E.T..
I have some of this blood myself. I don't mind feeding them a bit because it doesn't hurt me. It is my byproduct and I don't mind. However, I don't want them here on my planet enslaving me and brainwashing me. Destroying planet Earth with disregard so they may fly to the next planet and destroy it to.
I can tell you more. There are Earth-Like-Objects. Right? ELO
Anyway. These E.T., this mostly outerspace people go from ELO to ELO and mine them for resources. The population of E.T. is well beyond your imagination probably, the E.T. on Earth are like a small special operations force captured in the middle of Isis territory. They are fucked.
Let me explain. The E.T. have gone from earth-like-object to earth-like-object and made it impossible for life.
Earth is last refuge for the seed of God.
This is the last place where the E.T. can consume their food, also known as source energy.
As a human being, you are sourced here because of your genetics.
This is why they interbreed and create hybrids. To harvest from them. They do not treat there own hybrids good either, they are disgusting.