Anonymous ID: 06bf6f May 7, 2018, 4:44 p.m. No.1331176   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1269 >>8736


ask yourself what it is they are selling?

answer, is the research done by anons/patriots, and q posts, all acquired for free,

some claim corsi includes his own knowledge to his decodes which is uniquely his, but if you have ever actually listened to his decodes youd know thats bullshit, he's terrible at them and never says anything the chans hadnt already figured out.


he isnt selling his own work, he is selling the free to acquire works of others.


next question is who is he taking the money from?

patriots, average citizens who almost entirely cant afford to be paying for stuff that is free by other means,


ask yourself how often he begs for money? in the case of corsi its everytime he opens his mouth, thats not just someone with a book to sell, thats someone desperate to get as many people to buy it as possible, it shows his interest is the money, not the information.


also ask yourself, how much money is he making? previous breakdowns concluded around 1000-3000 per stream…. not even counting the book he is making plenty off patriots,


next ask what does he need the money for? all he does is tweet and upload to youtube, those are free actions. so you are not paying for his research (cause it isnt his own research its the chans) you are not paying for his ability to communicate the research of others (cause he uses free to use platforms to do that)


no you are just paying his living expenses, and giving him enough to live a more flush life then 99% of us.


also ask yourself just how much money does him and his wife already have anyway? if the lawsuit over him scamming investors is any indicator, they are millionaires….


ALSO, he has on numerous occasions floated the concept of premium access to him. backlash to the idea is all that has stopped him from doing it, he continues to float the idea though so surely will do it eventually when those who backlash it have stopped harassing him.