Anonymous ID: 49d816 May 8, 2018, 2:01 a.m. No.1335628   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3868

This image posted a few days ago got my hamster spinning, since it quite accurately described a few things happening to me personally as well as the sabotaging prediction which came true in Corsi's tweets tonight.


I am not that concerned with Corsi believe it or not, because the light shown is a disinfectant. What concerns me is the Alex Jones and Zack mention in the post. Corsi is employed by Jones and Zack is basically Infowars's Q. Which means there is a lot unsaid about Alex Jones's relationship with everything Q. I don't dislike Alex Jones in anyway, but recognize he is a combo of a televangelist and a informerical. It is his right to be so, but having Corsi on the reddit stream while being employed and having Zack on his own stream– it makes me think that Jones might have orchestrated more than just the reddit takeover, which would be shady but not illegal. However, knowing that Jones has access to Trump and could discuss things with Trump related to Q or military info at a non breaching approach.


So, I am a musing perch right now. What do others here think? I worry that this could be an attempt at widespread subversive astroturfing but also involving the white house in a way. I will ponder more, and shit I have gained a few pounds since this started, dog has probably too…