Anonymous ID: 60897b May 13, 2018, 9:54 a.m. No.1397580   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8778 >>1037

hey now. so now that Q retaliated at AJ, how do i know Q is the real deal? what does AJ stand to gain by opposing Q? how is profit NOT off Q a problem for Q? meanwhile every Qtuber has patreon. honestly confused; sorry if annoying.

Anonymous ID: 60897b May 13, 2018, 5:54 p.m. No.1402211   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0205

thanks, i see that between oct/nov 2017. so AJ loses YT income coz of Q. if AJ's a shill, then he got globalist funding (==YT no big deal). if not, he's exposing them and still not making direct money from Q. so then why is Q supporting the divide?

Anonymous ID: 60897b May 14, 2018, 3:08 p.m. No.1410686   🗄️.is 🔗kun


AJ'd rather have the globalists stay in power just so he can keep running a widely ridiculed (tho popular) YT personality? i don't believe the guy wouldn't find anything meaningful to do if we finally won this fight. which would open the world to more opportunities for everyone.

u'd think both AJ and Q would profit better if their views aligned… pff, need my brain power+ 50% off

Anonymous ID: 60897b May 15, 2018, 4:44 a.m. No.1418102   🗄️.is 🔗kun

sorry 4 long turd. so after checking around, from what i gather, the motive for AJ to sladner Q (claiming Q is comp'd/kidnapped) is he wants to be the top dog under trump, and Q is taking that spot. ok, i can buy that.

in april AJ got medieval on trump's ass over last syria strike. and i agree. what was the real point/target? after checking here, consensus is this (right?):

Publicly, we "retaliated" against a chemical attack. Secretly, we devastated nuclear-capable sites.


so WMDs again, so soon? u believe this shit? coz Q? how u sure that's what really happened? and why not have trump just say so on MSM/alt media, instead of "animal assad"? coz cabal will overhear? even if they don't monitor 8ch, they must have known damn well the following day.

if trump has been secretly advancing on the globalists, they probably have an idea by now he's not as dumb as he makes himself out to be. so why continue putting on this show for the world, when the enemy has him figured out, while normies are confused by his erratic behavior? this divides normies from anons for no reason.

don't try to justify what you blindly trust! for once just consider, what if we been duped again? u think they don't got the means to stage all this shit, with the first shills who believed it and everything? check this shit:

You are honored to be patronized by me.

This is a game. I ask questions, then you browse internet.

"Patriots". "Patriot" act.

Don't trust the plan.

You people are stupid.

Divided we are weak. [-37]

Laconic cryptic notes, fixed abbreviations. Helps AI keep track.

No private comms, but I'll just leave this here for someone you're not allowed to know: [ref:zrt54NarX6T]

I'm on a gov't position and get paid for this shit, but no profiteering for anyone!

Don't think logically.

Blind trust is earned.

Where we go all every man for himself.

Great Falling Asleep.



TLDR: not saying Q is fake/comp'd. i'm just saying, what if u been programmed to NOT consider the "what if"? please don't kill me.