Anonymous ID: 7685cd May 2, 2018, 1:17 p.m. No.1275430   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Q, you have insulted a lot of Qtubers who have been demonetized by YT because they changed their formats to cover you. Asking for assistance from their audience is their only way to stay afloat for some of them. They changed their format out of patriotism. Some have even been banned by YT for making Q-supporting vids. You have no idea how demeaning and hurtful your words were to loyal patriots. You talked to them like Hillary would. You don't have to post anymore "crumbs" on here as far as I am concerned. This was not the first time you have spoken cruelly to them. And I can’t trust you anymore after you said 18=R. 18 means 2018. Just like last year, Eager Lion 17 represented 2017. Why would you do that? Do you really believe we don't research your "crumbs" from here to high heaven? You played us for fools on that one. What else? If you in anyway represent Trump, does he know how cruel you speak to Qtubers and Anons—his hardworking, loyal supporters? These guys (and gals) are not profiteers or frauds like Corsi.

Anonymous ID: 7685cd May 2, 2018, 1:44 p.m. No.1275730   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0538 >>9496

Q, you have insulted a lot of Qtubers who have been demonetized by YT because they changed their formats to cover you. Asking for assistance from their audience is their only way to stay afloat for some of them. They changed their format out of patriotism. Some have even been banned by YT for making Q-supporting vids. You have no idea how demeaning and hurtful your words were to loyal patriots. You talked to them like Hillary would. You don't have to post anymore "crumbs" on here as far as I am concerned. This was not the first time you have spoken cruelly to them. And I can’t trust you anymore after you said 18=R. 18 means 2018. Just like last year, Eager Lion 17 represented 2017. Why would you do that? Do you really believe we don't research your "crumbs" from here to high heaven? You played us for fools on that one. What else? If you in anyway represent Trump, does he know how cruel you speak to Qtubers and Anons—his hardworking, loyal supporters? These guys (and gals) are not profiteers or frauds like Corsi.

Anonymous ID: 7685cd May 2, 2018, 1:51 p.m. No.1275796   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6259


He is a profiteer and a fraud and a liar. When I saw a lot of younger Qtubers practically worshiping him, I wanted to say something. Then Q called him out so I didn't have to. Q owes the other hardworking, loyal, patriotic Qtubers an apology, however. Making a few bucks to help get by in life or to help afford costs of a piece of equipment and such is NOT MAKING A PROFIT. I hope Q makes that clear when he comes back to the Board.

Anonymous ID: 7685cd May 2, 2018, 1:56 p.m. No.1275869   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9160 >>7205

I appreciate all the Q Anons and Qtubers. I am 68 years old and still working full time. I don't have the energy or time to do the great research that you do. If not for you, I would not be able to understand what the crumbs means or be able to spread the Q word around to others. I am not offended nor do I agree with Q that making a couple of bucks for all your hard work and time and energy devoted to the Q movement is wrong. You guys (except Corsi, of course) are not profiteers and do not need to feel guilty whatsoever. If I could afford it, I would contribute to every last one of you. Instead, I offer you my deepest appreciation and thanks for all you do for me.