Anonymous ID: 986c34 Recognizing Profiteers May 1, 2018, 8:05 a.m. No.1261422   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7586 >>9160


The Apostle Paul confronted a divided church at Corinth. They followed Apollos, Cephas, Christ and Paul. God's answer as to who to follow was Paul (I Cor 11:1). "Follow me as I follow the Lord." Near as I can tell, Q is analogous. He/they are given authority to deliver a message from POTUS.


That said, Paul could expect some support for his ministry. Take sustenance, but not get fat or rich. Paul was thankful for support, which was mostly unsolicited.


Corsi divides, continually solicits, and drives people away. Three strikes in my book. He seems to have learned a lot of this from AJ. This coupled with an insistence that POTUS follow his "recipe."