Anonymous ID: ea60f1 May 2, 2018, 6:40 p.m. No.1279160   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1017




I think Q's post was aimed squarely at the people receiving most to all of their income from their followers. So far, the best research and political analysis I've seen has come from those who receive no compensation or on rare occasions mention they accept donations.


All the others are no better than the most average among us. The worst are the ones who spin up and scare their followers into feeling constant fear. The second worst are the ones constantly begging for money by pushing books, patreon, ads, or whatever. Those who don't fall in either of these two groups IMO are fine. The folks, who felt guilty when reading Q's post, most likely are not the intended recipients.


It's incredibly easy to prey on others. I think Q was trying to get vulnerable people to open their eyes. When a person turns into a fan of someone else, (s)he becomes an easy mark. The other individual's motives may be quite different (and possibly evil) than one would expect.

Anonymous ID: ea60f1 May 8, 2018, 7:12 p.m. No.1343868   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>knowing that Jones has access to Trump


You know this how? Because AJ said so? The reality is the president literally doesn't have the time to chat with him or any other peon. The WH is flooded by all sorts of people who want a sliver of his time. It's just the nature of the beast. The higher one is the fed gov, the less free time (s)he has. At least, Trump makes some time for rallies to give attention to his supporters. That's a huge trade-off for denying someone else time.


AJ loves to tout about having anonymous inside sources just like the MSM does. Name them! Because the info they allegedly have given to him is BS. Zack spouts BS too.