It is alot to convey to someone in a meme. It is alot to start with someone that doesn't have a basis of understanding regarding the concepts.
I wouldn't worry. I think it will come through the EBS. If you have friends or relatives you talk to about this stuff. Touch base? Have a good talk, don't worry about when or what. Just normalize the situation. My best advice honestly. Relax. Normalize.
Atlantis = Draconian/Reptilian
Lemuria = Insect
Africa = Human Being
I am not speaking fact. Just working this out myself.
God told me the order changes.
It was
1 - Reptilian
2 - Human / Pleadian
3 - Insect
It shifted
1 - Human / Pleadian
2 - Insect
3 - Reptilian / Sirius
Next alignment. Prepare.
1 - Insect
2 - Reptilian / Sirius
3 - Human ./ Pleadian
It has to do with which star seed, or which genetic bloodline, has physical control of Earth.
I don't know if there are insects on Earth.
Here is my understand of my genetics.
My father, like most of your fathers, as Americans. Okay look. You are insects, be proud.
My Genetics:
Majority Human / Minority Insect
Majority Reptilian / Minority Human
I barely made it out of that one as a human being America.
You are mostly interbreeding with other Human / Insect.
Okay. White man is one of two things.
Human / Insect
Human / Reptilian
Okay. Clear. Clear.
Carry on. Happy to answer questions.
I dunno if there are insect people living in the Earth. If there are, I don't think it is a good idea to go fucking around with them considering they are not fucking with us.
I think there are stories about people entering into holes in the Earth to save themselves from natural disaster. Maybe someone could pull this up. I wonder if there are a bunch of people inside the Earth that look like the people outside, or are they actually insect? There are actually insects somewhere and I think they might be here with us. Nothing wrong with that, we don't live in the Earth.
I have told you there are a few E.T. here under military control. Except Xi, Xi is E.T. and in control of China. I wouldn't trust China one bit. You don't think an E.T. will use a million man army of filthy Earth sheep to stop this? Okay. Your military is prepared.
There are reptilians in space. You do live within a boundary that was created to protect us from further invasion. It didn't clean up the mess that was here, that is up to us.
All these species live in the Universe. It just so happens that over time everyone has begun to live on Earth. The living library is real. There are tall greys and little cats. Meow Lyrans.
The war was between Reptilians and Insect. The human beings, who were born here, are caught in the middle. It just so happens America, Europe, that today, you are the genetic descendants of these races that warred over Earth.