I'd like to believe, but we've seen so many different versions of what is supposed to happen, especially on 4/pol/.
Cognition determines our use of language just as language shapes our cognition. Cognition determines our interpretation of perspective while perspective determines the orientation of our cognition. Language conveys a sense of perspective just as perspective determines the way we think about language.
Redpill Vol. 2: Obstacles to the Truth PART I [10m37s]
Redpill Vol. 3: Obstacles to the Truth PART II [15m57s]
Volume 1 lays out the spectrum of corruption. Volumes 2 and 3 delve into cognitive psychology and the reasons why we may not believe the truth when we hear it.
Arrogance. They believe in their magick, which has historically been made easier by the fact that they've been in power.
Not to say that I believe the anon in the screencap, but their arrogance is a very real factor.
Definitely raises an eyebrow.