Interdasting, why no big msm outlet published this?
So info from bibi is authentic. Injected by us or obtained during mossad operation. Are these documents going to any UN committee or its for US to make a determination whether to continue iran deal cuz right now iran screams they are fake.
Q also said that sessions will drop the hammer
Agree, but as everything with Q there is a second meaning
Absolutely, there was an anon arguing with me yesterday that iran is a normal place. Just look how they were thrown back culturally and economically from being a normal educated country. Clowns are the only ones benefiting from such regimes. Whats interesting NPR did a documentary on iran recently trying to portray them as better then it seems. Jim stone was also promoting iran as a good place to be, i was puzzled on that one
Not everyone who questions sexual harrassment, are saying people are not really abused. There is a big difference between real victims and a campus girl who slept drunk with the boy and when he didnt call her after decided to call it rape. The problem is libs mixed these two totally different things into one rotten pot. We feel for you, we fully support you. It shouldnt be for you connected to some anons saying its absurd to claim my bosd harrassed me by staring at my tits