Anonymous ID: 914ef3 May 1, 2018, 10:08 a.m. No.1262319   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2337

Anons, just wanted to point out a few things.


The first–last week was our second largest week of growth, as far as searches for "qanon" on google was concerned–congrats to everyone!!! Our fastest week was the week between Christmas and New Year's day (when everybody's off). This is a big deal–because we already had a large group following, this certainly represents the biggest increase in people searching that we've ever had…so again, we're f'in winning, and it's thanks to everyone's hard work (and of course, /ourguys brilliant plan).


Secondly, I've included a map of the Shi'a crescent for your perusal (caution: the file is very large). I invite you to take a look at Armenia's situation: surrounded by Shi'a Muslims, partially infiltrated (notably in the capital), where much of the traffic is coming from. Odds are that a lot of the shills on our site, particularly the anti-Jew ones, are coming from there. Not all, but likely the majority.


I'm not exactly an expert, but here's how I understand the difference between Shi'a and Sunni Muslims: Sunni Muslims (the vast majority) are like Protestants in that they recognize the authority of the Koran first, whereas Shi'as are more like Catholics in that they see their leaders (mullahs, ayatollahs) as the representatives of Allah on earth.


Do some research on "Shi'a Crescent," and you'll find that Iran has long had a goal of extending its reach to the Mediterranean through its network of Shi'a loyalists:


Also, note that Pakistan is on that list of people searching "qanon." They have a huge population, many of which are Shi'as as well.


So consider this: not every post here is made by an American, or even an ally of America. In fact, I'd say a little less than half are not. So take each post with a grain of salt, and weigh them against what you've gleaned from the Bible, President Trump, and Q: if these shills are trying to tell you to turn from any of those authorities, then you know they're not here for our cause.

Anonymous ID: 914ef3 May 1, 2018, 10:10 a.m. No.1262337   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ugh, second paragraph is wrong. The way trends works seems to be it measures overall, so last week would still represent second largest growth overall, after Christmas-New Year's week. Still a big accomplishment.