Anonymous ID: 9602d1 May 1, 2018, 10:01 a.m. No.1262273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2286 >>2307 >>2406

Attempting to keep a running list of Senate and House resignations with notes on reason for resignation if any.


{Senate }

Bob Corker, Tennessee [R]


Jeff Flake, Arizona [R]


Orrin Hatch, Utah [R]


Thad Cochran, Mississippi [R]


No-Name-McStain, Arizona [R] (Treason)(Cancer †)


Al Franken, Minnesota [D] (Sexual Harassment)



Paul Ryan, Wisconsin 1st district [R]


Bob Goodlatte, Virginia 6th district [R]


Jeb Hensarling, Texas 5th district [R]


Rodney Frelinghuysen, New Jersey 11th district [R]


Trey Gowdy, South Carolina 4th district [R]


Darrell Issa, California 49th district [R]


Joe Barton, Texas 6th district [R] (Extramarital Affairs Leaked Online)


Lamar Smith, Texas 21st district [R]


Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Florida 27th district [R]


Charlie Dent, Pennsylvania 15th district [R]


Dave Reichert, Washington state 8th district [R]


Pat Tiberi, Ohio 12th district [R]


Frank LoBiondo, New Jersey 2nd district [R]


Lynn Jenkins, Kansas 2nd district [R]


Sam Johnson, Texas 3rd district [R]


John Duncan Jr., Tennessee 2nd district [R]


Ted Poe, Texas 2nd district [R] (Leukemia †)


Dave Trott, Michigan 11th district [R]


Ryan Costello, Pennsylvania 6th district [R]


Trent Franks, Arizona 8th district [R] (Asked his staff to be surrogates for wife's baby)


Blake Farenthold, Texas 27th district [R] (Ethics Committee Inquiry alleged behavior)


Bill Shuster, Pennsylvania 9th district [R]


Gregg Harper, Mississippi 3rd district [R] (Sexual Harassment)


Ed Royce, California 39th district [R]


Patrick Meehan, Pennsylvania 7th district [R] (Sexual Harassment)


Tom Rooney, Florida 17th district [R]


Dennis Ross, Florida 15th district [R]


Luis Gutierrez, Illinois 4th district [D]


John Conyers, Michigan 13th district [D] (Sexual Harassment)


Sander Levin, Michigan 9th district [D]


Bob Brady, Pennsylvania 1st district [D] {FBI Investigation)


Carol Shea-Porter, New Hampshire 1st district [D]


Niki Tsongas, Massachusetts 3rd district [D]


Gene Green, Texas 29th district [D]


Ruben Kihuen, Nevada 4th district [D] (Sexual Harassment)


Rick Nolan, Minnesota 8th district [D]


Elizabeth Esty, Connecticut 5th district [D]



Anonymous ID: 9602d1 May 1, 2018, 10:24 a.m. No.1262453   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Hopefully we will get some Q today..


Curious to see how this all plays out with Iran, given the recent accusations from Israel and the connection(s) to U1.


Perhaps the topic will change, never know what to expect!

Anonymous ID: 9602d1 May 1, 2018, 10:33 a.m. No.1262515   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2540


Iran continues to claim Bibi is lying…

I have seen some tweets indicating the Bibi presentation only serves to prove that the Iran Deal is necessary…


I have yet to see any reports on the "evidence" handed over to UN. But I have yet to really dig for the documents myself..