Anonymous ID: a4a280 May 1, 2018, 9:09 a.m. No.1261894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1919 >>2150

(last bread notable)

>Macron, UK say Iran nuclear deal strengthened by Bibi’s drop




Given this information, it strengthens a thought I had last night. The Israel drop on Iran was meant to hurt the US efforts to change the deal.


Why would a sitting president of a country present a 20 minute PowerPoint on the same day Pompeo is in the ME?


The US had the intel, Trump would have had it released if it was helpful.


This is why we need to re_read the last drops in light of it.


Israel was specifically highlighted via SUM OF ALL FEARS.


Point finger at Iran while they have their own "missing" nuclear materials in Syria that originated from US uranium.