ID: b93bff May 1, 2018, 10:32 a.m. No.1262510   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2530

Islamists lie

Nazis EU lies

Pope lies


They fear the Third Temple and what happens after that. The islamists and satanic nazis are rushing to start the war, by supplying Iran with nuclear bomb tech and material while funding globalist satanic expansion. Damacus is a stepping stone to Jerusalem. They want to stop the building of the Third Temple.


Unexpected events are ocurring, Saudi Arabia, the sons of Ishmael have answered the call of the Sanhedrin to join the sons of Jacob and the sons of Esau.


The people of Iran, Turkey and Europe have a choice to make. Continue to folllow an evil path or throw off the shackles of the satanic pedophile leadership.


Ending the Iran deal, cutting off globalist funding, denying Iran a forawrd base in Syria to launch missiles will delay the war gog and magog.


The war of gog and magog (iran and turkey) is coming but not yet.


President Trump is a Godsend