Yeah…no, remember Q asking who was taking the pics?
You people are incredibly …easy to fool. I bet you think Virginia Guifre too.
I hope, when everything comes out, ALL of you gullible idiots take a step back and examine yourselves. Mindlessly easy to lead into endlessly posting "Prince Andrew is a pedo"….cap this….cause you people are going to need to take on some personal responsibility for the condition of our country. First Christians—(fuck you, No really, fuck you) for the muh chozen shit that has positioned Israel since before WWI to genocide millions of people.) Then the brainless fucks that follow whatever bullshit appeals to them.
Wilcoxians, Ickeians, Greerians, BULLfordians, you fucking did this to yourselves. (Bullford has been promising for 30 years and sucking your money….KEK…Wilcox made a bundle selling 2012 book..end of the world..*yeah asshole whatcha gonna do with all that money in the end of the world.
Ya'll got a savior you do NOT deserve…because not one of you deserves what Trump has done out of love….because no greater love..I hope you do better once the smoke is cleared.