Everyone who is part of America's authorized executive, legislative, and judicial branches both federally, state, or local has had a platform to speak up for America for over 20 years regarding 911; including all those who belong to the military, fbi, cia, ss, and law enforcement. I have not seen one of you take to a pulpit or get on the news and say, wait a minute building 7 collapsed all by itself and wasn't hit by a plane, missile, or any type of weapon; in addition, never in American history has any one of the millions of buildings ever collapsed for no reason.
Tomorrow is your last day to take back your country or else fall forever into eternal darkness. Thousands of people died on that day and continue to die to this very day because none of you have taken a stand; least even mentioned it publicly. If you do not take action tomorrow and start cleaning house, I vow that one will become all three branches and hold you all accountable with evil. I also promise that if you do take action and rectify the wrongs, that the Living God will fight with you and protect you; and the one's that you feared are nothing more than shadows easily overcome by the Light.
Enough is enough. Choose either man's darkness or God's Light, for you cannot serve two masters.