Anyone else feels like we just got fucking played for 5 years straight?
>Anyone else feels like we just got fucking played for 5 years straight?
I mean, this can't be real. If he really turns his back on us and lets them come after us and does nothing he will literally be the most hated man on the planet. He pardons a bunch of Jews and some rappers, while people that he asked to come to Washington are going to do life in prison. What the actual fuck.
>POTUS did not ask people to go storm the Capital. People made those really bad decisions themselves.
>The People are checkmated, baited into being labelled terrorists, globalists run rampant worldwide, vaccines to sterilize and gmo alter humans, and we find out in 75 years Trump wasn't really defeated post-presidency by the deepstate but lived happily ever after in argentina.
Exactly this.
>We don't need this board to turn into another literal who twitter screencap thread.
KYS jew.