All this concern fagging is beneath you guys. Get over yourselves. POTUS has this. Biden/Harris have to be sworn in to complete the sting. Military WILL NOT allow a treasonous rat bastard to be POTUS i.e. China Joe. Plus, you all think the top military has NOT seen the evidence of the election steal? Just bc the SC and everyone else wouldn't look at the evidence…
Military will put Grassley in charge possibly, and we HAVE to have another election so PDJT will be the legitimate POTUS in everyone's eyes. Plus down-ballot races need correction. Meanwhile, all the info, i.e. pedophilia, trafficking, child sacrifices, etc will come out. The D party is DEAD after noon today. I wouldn't be surprised if the "accidental" NSA dump came tonight.
Oh, and I think Pence did exactly what he was told to do. If you think about it, all this HAD to go the way it did. It sure exposed a lot more rats, and that is the whole point.
We asked POTUS to drain the swamp. No point in only draining half. Letting the enemy think they won emboldens them to be the rat bastards they really are. Ol' McConnell sure came out of his turtle shell, didn't he?