Anonymous ID: 4eed2d Jan. 20, 2021, 12:39 a.m. No.12623717   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Well put. And thank you for your service anon o7. Some words from a euro midfag (early '19) as well - a few notables. First of all: I truly believe this movement belongs to the US and US anons. It has always humbled me, only being able to chime in from afar. You really are the greatest nation in the history of mankind. Be proud. Secondly: I fucking love you guys. You are the real deal. Especially, indeed, the autists, bakers, clockfags, planefags, mappers and everyone in between. Finally: I will pride myself in being a infinitesimally small part of this community/movement/ultralarp. Popcorn ready. Comfy. Big day ahead. AS THE WORLD TURNS. Enjoy.


>Will this cement my way into the Historical Museum of Kun?