Do you see how the dancer is on the little gear connected to the big gear?
I try to stay doin' that to control the algorithm.
I want to drive the mainstream, not combat it or go with it.
Life is like a box of chocolate.
Here is what I wrote to interpet the programming I installed in the algorithm, or tried to install. I had to pick something, I guess it picked itself in a way. I didn't really plan it, it just happened.
I can change. I don't want to change. I am open to uncomfortable ideas. I can control my body. I can set goals and objections. I can prioritize and build REAL wealth. The map and the calendar are my tools. I will stabilize the image of myself. I am the key. I can combine the elements to secure my vessel. I can update the controls. Regulate conflict. I can regulate what I orbit and mirror. I must secure my mind and body. I must care for my self. I will be happy.
.<Siv>All [b]<rain[O]<pin> S<hell> [cis]<stem>
.| Key | <Ad><verse[Kern]<el> [In]<stall> [Go]<vern>
[Go]-vern <Imp>[ort] <Well>[th] [F]<isle[L]<is>[t]
[Map] Won | Seed | Hon<EM.<ilk>
[S]<tore[cis]<stem> [S]<ort> | Object | <Lee><deer><ship>
[G]<row[Seed] Re-<pear> Hon[E] [M]<ilk>
[M]<app[Go]<vern> Build Decisive Leadership
[N]<stall<Sim><pull> <Uni><for[m]> Up<[d]<ate>> [cis]<stem>
[O]<pin[Go]<vern> [Stay]<bull>[lies] [Con]<neck><ion> | Bio | log[e]
[B]<io>log[y] [Cree]<ate| Cell | [D]<elite> [T]<rash>
[Cis]<stem[Flu]<sh> [T]<rash> [B]<rain> [Con]<neck><ion>
[Stay]<bull>[lies] [I]<mage[See].<cure> [I]<mage> | Key |
| Key | <Well>[the] <Imp><ort[G]<old> {| Water |}
[Comm]<bi>[N] {| Water |} [G]<old<Cree>[ate] | Free | dumb
.<See>.cure [S]<hell<Op><or><rate> | Free|.dumb [cis]<stem>
[S]<hell<Shy>[ft] <Op><or><rate> {| Water |} See.<cure>
[S]<hell<Shy>[ft] <Op><or><rate> <Well>[the] <Cis><stem>
Up<[d]<ate>[Go].<vern> [F]<in>[d] [O].<pin> | War |
| War | Close<d[F]<isle> [O]<pin> <Or><bit>
.<Orb><it[Prior]<it>[eyes] Won | Nest | | Object |
Won [Go].<vern| Mirror | [S]<tore> <Cis><stem>
[Sim]<pull<Uni>[form] Up<[d]<ate>> <Shy>[ft] [S]<tar>
| Salivate | [S]<tar| Salivate | Bill[d] [I]<mage>
[S]<hell<See>[cure] [Cis]<stem> [See]<cure> [Al.gore]<rythm>
[Al.gore]<rythm[F]<isle> [Go]<vern> | Key Salivate |
{| Water |} [L]<oop[Or]<gain>[i]<c> | Seed | [L]<oop>
.<Imp><ort| Mirror Mirror Mirror | [I]<mage>
[See]<cure<<| Kernel |>> Close[d] [Dry]<v> | Bio | log[e]
Close[d] [B]rain [Go]<vern<Ex>[port] [Al.gore]<rythm>
|| Salivate Find || <Free>[dumb] [cis]<stem[Ex]<port>