Anonymous ID: 15bf8d May 1, 2018, 11:03 a.m. No.1262766   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2775 >>2800

Greeting anons, just a prayerfag here letting you know our next GROUP GUIDED meditation will take place in ONE hour. Please respond to this post with your suggestions for the next target. What positive outcome in this journey would YOU like to see materialize sooner? Put the power of other anons to use and tell me!


If you are like me and just can't wait to help effect positive change for the Q/POTUS team, please join me in a repeat of last hours meditation found here:

Anonymous ID: 15bf8d May 1, 2018, 11:13 a.m. No.1262872   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2890


What are you talking about "debunked", I saw the video with my own two eyes. Can you explain why a naked kid was climbing out a 3rd story window on a bunch of tied together bed sheets like in the fuckin movies?

Anonymous ID: 15bf8d May 1, 2018, 11:18 a.m. No.1262933   🗄️.is 🔗kun



anti-spirituality shill, shitting all over anyone who mentions anything slightly spiritual when Q say pray more than anything else, and the cabal we fight literally works with the embodiment of Satan.


"muh don't dig there guys, nothing to stay here, ignorance is bliss, keep your blinders on"

Anonymous ID: 15bf8d May 1, 2018, 11:20 a.m. No.1262957   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2975 >>3037


his 'rope' didn't reach far either, he made a pretty big drop, must have been scary as shit dangling that high and letting go to land on hard concrete, then the speed he took of running after that, he was trying to escape something that is for sure.

Anonymous ID: 15bf8d May 1, 2018, 11:55 a.m. No.1263318   🗄️.is 🔗kun






Yes it's a lie, because everyone always only quotes the first half.


The fundamental principle underlying Thelema, known as the "law of Thelema", is "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will."


I.E. republicanism, do what you want, let other live how they want and love your self as well as others.


Satanists ignore the second half, AND corrupt 'lightwarriors' also to demonize those who study topics that scare them.

If you put LOVE OVER FREE WILL, you get a leftist nannystate, where everyone is trying to be your parent, tell you how to live your life because 'they love everyone equally' and want to force their idea of a 'proper' life down your throat. Crowley also wrote it before he went into satanism. When delving into magic study he devoted himself to 6 different kinds of spirit entities, following each to see where they lead him, what they taught him, what powers he got from them, ect and documented it all, then told them all to fuck off when we was done with each of them. He was actually pretty scientific about it.


Ho saw himself as the anti-christ after that, and thought his current society was a bunch of stuck up prudes, which was correct, and knew in that environment 'the great awakening' could never happen, he walked the opposite path of jesus. A savior to be emulated failed to wake up the masses, so he delved as far into evil as he could go, to shock, annoy and piss of enough people to awaken themselves to the world around him. He ended up an evil bastard, but he was a critical step for bringing knowledge of the hidden evils of the world to public light. He published all the deep dark secrets of evil which had been hidden for generations publicly for anyone to see. Sure evil people can use it to do evil, but good can also use it to figure out what the fuck evil is up to, and also to understand the NEUTRAL laws of the universe, which are tools everyone uses to mold reality around them. Guns don't kill people, people kill people with guns. Knowledge is not evil, but people do evil things with knowledge.

Do as thou wilt works both ways, if you impose your own will on others and do not let them exercise their own free will then you are yourself breaking the rule, by not letting the other party act out their free will which results in karmic backlash.

Free will is like a fist, your right to swing your fists around ends when it hits my face. Your right to free will also exists, until it prevents me from exercising my own free will.

Anonymous ID: 15bf8d May 1, 2018, 12:01 p.m. No.1263385   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why is PRAY the MOST FREQUENT crumb Q drops over and over? It's the biggest drop in history. "You have more than you know" ~ Q

"Sick of waiting for the arrests? Let us pray together and manifest the world we really want."


Please join in with the rest of us and preform the holy duty asked of us by Q & POTUS; pray with a purpose, like the fate of the world depends on it! Remember GROUP prayer is MUCH more powerful than individual prayer. For maximum results we must do this together, focusing on the same thing at the same time.


Target: Greetings passengers, this is your prayer pilot speaking. Today we will be cruising at a comfy 40,000 ft, and dropping prayer bombs on Israel


Connect: There are other anons with similar intentions and prayers. Reach out to them with your mind across time and space. Feel your prayers mixing with their and magnifying.


Voice: O Loving God, We so often, and for so long, hear the guns and rockets, drones, and bombs. Wrap all and each of these your people in your love. Let them hear: “Come to me you who suffer and are burdened and I will give you rest.” O God, our maker, God of Abraham and Sarah, from which three great religions stem, we pray for peace.

We pray for peaceful existence between Israelis and Palestinians; Sunnis and Shiites; Muslims, Jews, and Christians. We pray for negotiations that can reach the root of historical conflicts.

We pray for a commitment to the dignity of all people and the protection of all lives.

We pray for effective international intervention to ensure justice for all sides.

We pray for humanitarian aid and rebuilding where destruction has occurred.

We pray for peace and for justice in our homes and on our city streets.

We pray for an end to violence, war, and killing.

Grant us this, peaceful God.

Grant us a peaceful world.




Visualize: The cabal influence on Israel removed. Israels influence on America removed. Dual citizen politicians removed. wars in the middle east for Israel ended. The people living in peace, and rebuilding their societies.


Feel: Feel the relief, freedom, and joy felt by the people of these two countries, as wars end. Feel the peace and relief of Palestinians and other surrounding counties as Israel's plans for expansion are ended.


>But prayerfag, praying is a waste of time, q wants us to dig, not pray!

Wrong! Q tells us to pray all the time, as a matter of fact, in one of Q's earliest posts the famous 4,10,20 POTUS PERSONAL drop they said it was the best thing we could do!

>– stay alert, be vigilant, and above all, please pray.

>but prayerfag, I don't believe in god, I'm an atheist!

Prayer is scientifically proven to work, and even better than that, even ATHEISTS can harness its power WITHOUT believing in god. Its like a remote-placebo effect, believing in THE PRAYER ITSELF is enough to make it work, with or without a belief in god.


If you do not want to join in with us, that is OK! Get back to digging and memeing, it takes less than a second to scroll past this post, and I have marked it with an memorable image so you can easily skip past it once per hour, but please do not shit up the bread complaining that patriots are trying to do as asked of us by Q and POTUS. However, if you do have suggestions on prayer topics, or ideas on how to improve PROJECT PRAY please provide feedback by replying to this post! This is a GROUP effort.