Anonymous ID: 65bd2a May 1, 2018, 11:22 a.m. No.1262982   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3093

Ark of the Covenant, along with other sacred objects from the first Temple in Jerusalem, were all secreted away just prior to the entrance of the Babylonians into the city about 600 years before the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. There are many tunnels beneath Jerusalem even to this day. These most sacred objects were protected in a chamber and the entrance was sealed and hidden.

Anonymous ID: 65bd2a May 1, 2018, 11:44 a.m. No.1263215   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Following the accounts of Jesus' young life, there is a gap of about 18 years in his story in the New Testament.[4][7][13] Other than the generic statement that after he was 12 years old (Luke 2:42) Jesus "advanced in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and men" (Luke 2:52), the New Testament has no other details regarding the gap.[4] While Christian tradition suggests that Jesus simply lived in Galilee during that period,[14] modern scholarship holds that there is little historical information to determine what happened during those years.[4]


The ages of 12 and 29, the approximate ages at either end of the unknown years, have some significance in Judaism of the Second Temple period: 13 is the age of the bar mitzvah, the age of secular maturity,[2] and 30 the age of readiness for the priesthood, although Jesus was not of the tribe of Levi.[15]


Christians have generally taken the statement in Mark 6:3 referring to Jesus as "Is not this the carpenter…?" as an indication that before the age of 30 Jesus had been working as a carpenter.[16] The tone of the passage leading to the question "Is not this the carpenter?" suggests familiarity with Jesus in the area, reinforcing that he had been generally seen as a carpenter in the gospel account before the start of his ministry.[16] Matthew 13:55 poses the question as "Is not this the carpenter's son?" suggesting that the profession tektōn had been a family business and Jesus was engaged in it before starting his preaching and ministry in the gospel accounts.[17][18]

Anonymous ID: 65bd2a May 1, 2018, 12:03 p.m. No.1263404   🗄️.is đź”—kun

SO what are you taking as the true word of Christ?


The Gospel?


and what else?


The New Testament seems fishy……….


The Book of Enoch also, seems fishy, because aren't most of these Satanists Gnostics and that is their souce Material…


I'm very curious where Christ was ACTUALLY in the years between the OLD TESTAMENT AND NEW TESTAMENT.




The Romans, The Vatican, I am certain have made it very difficult to discern the truth…..


The Vatican Vaults?


Why is the public not aware of the SHROUD OF TURIN??