Anonymous ID: abe865 May 1, 2018, 11:18 a.m. No.1262936   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Certain that the "Covered In Gold" was pointing out that the most powerful families in the world have been setting up rogue Nuke states to keep the white hats from taking over.


Q has been undoing this. Dismantling the entire cabal, one step at a time. NK, Iran, probably Pakistan… they are geopolitical insurance policies to ensure that THEIR end game can continue (Think Georgia Guidestones, and what the symbolism at the UN Sec Council at NY and other eschatological alluding in artwork/architecture at places like airports, the vatican, royals, etc.).


Q is literally fighting "evil", hence the quotes regarding "Does Satan Exist?" and "Who worships him" (irrespective of him actually existing, they believe it). This shit goes all the way back to the corruption of the Freemasons back in the 1700s. Freemasons used to be altruistic, but got supplanted by actual Luciferian "theologists" that took the teachings of Semitic religions that were pure, and corrupted them entirely (think Jesus vs Pharisees/Money Changers).


The entire fucking thing is much less allegorical than I originally thought. I can tell you that my agnostic thinking has been challenged.

Anonymous ID: abe865 May 1, 2018, 11:24 a.m. No.1262999   🗄️.is 🔗kun


We all know who "Q" is, but it's not even necessary to talk about it right now. It'll be one of those things, 6 + years from now, we'll come to the realization of, and we'll all be flabbergasted at whom we've been shit talking with.