Anonymous ID: ed783c May 1, 2018, 1:15 p.m. No.1264069   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4197



Thanks for the post, fellow patriot. RIP to your family and friends lost from senseless violence. I sincerely hope you and yours have found peace.


I spent some time in Baghdad in the Doura neighborhood during the US occupation as an Infantryman, and the civilian population there were some of the kindest, warm people I've ever known. I hope that the families I ate dinner with, helped rebuild homes of, and helped install modern conveniences like electricity and sewage are doing alright. It seriously pained me and all my friends from my unit to see ISIS rampaging through a country we had truly put our heart and soul into improving. We really did our best to make the lives of Iraqis better despite the shitty situation we all found ourselves in. I'm not ashamed to say that I cried watching some of the footage coming out of Iraq during ISIS' rise. Iraq, Baghdad, and the people of Iraq especially, will always be special to me.That time in my life was what first Redpilled me before /pol/ even existed, and it showed me that we are all just humans on this rock trying to make it. God bless the Iraqi people, and here's to working together with GEOTUS to hopefully bring at least some respite to the last 50 years of tyranny and chaos.