The comparison of Q with Op Trust/Bolshevit is as retarded as Elton John is gay.
Anons were (and are) so effective at thwarting every narrative with truth that they were left with no choice but to drop a tactical nuke on us across all platforms… and they still missed most of us! On top of that, Flynn and Powell have acknowledged on several occasions how invaluable our digs have been.
They would love for us to give up and go back to our holes so they can finally be rid of us, so that they can run narrative coverops for Bidan without the worry of anons tearing it down.
Remember those that swore the oath, and remember Flynn leading the oath ceremony. You may still hold true to your oath so long as you keep fighting and breaking every narrative possible.
Popularity of games like "Among Us" train the public paradigm to look for sus situations and know how to spot a lie. It is our job to tell people exactly how sus things are and let their discernment take care of the rest. Do not go quietly into the night as they would be so happy if you did.