Anonymous ID: bad55e Jan. 20, 2021, 11:52 a.m. No.12638056   🗄️.is 🔗kun
  • News is Fake

  • Rule of Law is majority opinion

  • All depts corrupt, is majority opinion

  • Republics are ruled by the people

  • Representative government requires civic understanding and participation


Why don't you believe there are shills,

has turned into,

look at shill hahah


… but there's a long way to go because


most of the influencers are stupid and don't get it


like, they think they save themselves by saying '17th letter' instead of saying Q.


infiltrate independent media with thinking morans

Anonymous ID: bad55e Jan. 20, 2021, 12:15 p.m. No.12638689   🗄️.is 🔗kun



OK. Fair enough. Here we go.


>>I can't believe they are still willing to believe.


'They' is a collective in your mind. I am an individual, and I believe a unique set of things, of which you do not have direct knowledge.


>>This fucker had all the power of the President and couldn't even declas documents


Did declass lots of documents. Biggest declass of documents in american history, vault 7 by wikileaks, has not been read by very many people, including most journalists. The idea is that a big dump doesn't fit the normie news cycle, a transition into sanity from mass neurosis hypnosis, takes a slow drip (fuck QE and all its managed care analogs)


>>"We have everything" and releases nothing, loses the house


Had all this time to get used to the logical basis for the idea that, it is good vs evil, the public can't handle the truth, and needs to be handled like children, lest they commit suicide when they receive jagged pill. I don't likey, but I see the mindset and have come to terms with it, so why this all of a sudden?


>>4 fucking years investigating FISAgate and zilch


Not zilch. Est 2 million americans outside of federal positions / mil who now have legit knowledge of inner workings. Bigtime narrative change from 80's and 90's, is it not?


>>Sat on his hands when cities were burning


Unfair characterization, operated largely within constitutional bounds, allowed states rights, left in hands of those the people had (maybe) elected, I no likey, but there was no hand sitting, much more nuanced than that.


>>Let some common cold take over the country and the economy, went along with it


Unfair characterization, but fuck vaccines and fauci? really? wtf happened


>>Hired every idiot imaginable into his administration including John Fucking Bolton


All the reasons for this ('plan' reasons) have been debated for four years - and today changes none of those arguments, believe them or not - which leaves a statement like this to appear as concern


>>Stumped for Brian Kemp


>>Endorsed Mitt Romney


Ugh, gross


>>Knew massive election fraud was happening, and let it continue


Unfair characterization, attempted multiple routes against a comped system and media apparatus


>>Stolen election, wouldn't even get US Marshals to seize evidence


>>Brought in 3 SC justices that whimped out


On which decisions


>>Let himself get banned on Twitter and did shit


Let himself?


>>The guy couldn't even pardon Assange




>>What kind of shit fucking plan is this anons? You need to wake up.


Speak for self