It's okay to give yourself three minutes to feel like that.
Then you man up, stand up, dust off, and go back to war.
It's okay to give yourself three minutes to feel like that.
Then you man up, stand up, dust off, and go back to war.
Think it might just have been Orange Revolution, aka Color Revolution, paid for by Soros.
30 days, 4 more years, whatever it takes until Victory is ours.
It's astonishing how true this is.
And the most beautiful, and the most fashionable, yet zero covers.
I still don't see the sense in a two camera shoot if it's the President at the White House.
Yes, for the START of FISAGATE and a redux of Egypt's Morsi problem.
Doesn't matter if you're tired, or discouraged, or leaderless.
It only matters if you fight.
You are what we call "faggot".
plastic wrap
Ooh-rah! Semper Fi means fucking Semper Fi!