Anonymous ID: 31e784 Jan. 20, 2021, 5:26 p.m. No.12640271   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0421 >>0517 >>0616 >>0786 >>0914

Nancy Pelosi: Donald Trump Could Be ‘Accessory to Murder’ After Capitol Riots



House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said former President Donald Trump might be an “accessory to murder” in conjunction with the riots at the U.S. Capitol this month.


In an MSNBC interview that aired Tuesday night, the House speaker accused Trump of inciting the deadly riot at the Capitol on January 6, which left at least five people dead including a U.S. Capitol Police officer.


“President’s words are important, they weigh a ton,” Pelosi said of Trump. “And if you’re Donald Trump talking to these people, they believe it, and they used his words to come here.”


The California lawmaker added that, if some members of Congress conspired with the people who stormed the Capitol, they too would be considered accessories to crimes committed during the riot.


“When we talk about, ‘Did any of our colleagues collaborate?’ Well, that remains to be seen,” Pelosi said.


“We have to get the evidence of that. And if they did, they would be accessory to the crime. And the crime, in some cases, was murder. And this president is an accessory to that crime because he instigated that insurrection that caused those deaths and this destruction,” she added.


Several officials, including Washington, D.C., Attorney General Karl Racine, are looking into whether they should charge Trump with a crime in connection with the riots.


Pelosi is the first politician to claim Trump could be an accessory to murder.


The speaker’s comments came hours before Trump’s final moments in office and before President Joe Biden’s inauguration Wednesday.


House Democrats, along with ten House Republicans, voted to impeach Trump last week on a charge of inciting an insurrection. The vote marked the second time Trump was impeached during his term in office.

Anonymous ID: 31e784 Jan. 20, 2021, 5:27 p.m. No.12640290   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0616 >>0786 >>0914

Leftists Call For New "Secret Police" Force To Spy On Trump Supporters


Perhaps channeling the spirit of the Soviet NKVD, leftists are now literally calling for a new “secret police” unit to be created at the federal level to spy on Trump supporters.


In an article published by the Daily Beast, Jeff Stein argues that existing federal agencies like the FBI are ill-equipped to stop “white terror” because they missed signs of the the pre-planning of the Capitol building siege.


The solution is to create a new “secret police” (yes, he literally uses those words) in order to “infiltrate and neutralize armed domestic extremists,” which according to the media’s latest narrative potentially includes 70 million Trump voters.


Stein even compares the Capitol breach to 9/11, an attack that killed nearly 3,000 people, and argues that a similar response to that should be directly inwardly against American citizens directed by a new “domestic spy agency.”


“One response to the 9/11 tragedy may well get renewed attention after the Capitol assault—especially if armed white nationalists are successful in carrying out more attacks in the coming days and weeks: The call for a secret police,” he writes.


Other countries have domestic spy agencies to fight extremists at home. Does America need one, too?

— The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) January 18, 2021


The existence of a “secret police” force that subverts constitutional norms to repress the population is of course a hallmark of all dictatorial regimes, but that doesn’t appear to bother self-proclaimed “progressives.”


“Hundreds of Black Lives Matter/Antifa riots, some of which entailed firing mortars at, firebombing, or burning down police stations, did not qualify as domestic terrorism. But the Capitol Riot was terrorism, due to the usual double standard,” points out Dave Blount.


He also hits the nail on the head about the real reason why the creation of a new secret police unit would be necessary.


“Neither the FBI nor the NSA has the culture of brutal hostility toward their own country’s population needed to efficiently repress dissidents in the unfolding police state.”


As we highlighted yesterday, in addition to a new secret police, some are calling for the creation of a Stasi-like citizen spy network that would recruit Biden supporters to spy on Trump supporters and grass them up to the authorities.


Presumably, this is all part of the national “healing” and “unity” that Joe Biden has called for.

Anonymous ID: 31e784 Jan. 20, 2021, 5:39 p.m. No.12640610   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0636 >>0667 >>0723 >>0750 >>0772



We came here to make a difference, I believe we did this and we did so for with the best of intentions.


I suppose we will find out in 10 days whether we have been played or not, as this is definitely a day of DARKNESS.


After talking with many of you over the years I know many of you, like me, had already fought thru a mountain of shit in your RL just to get to this place and you like me want a better future for ours and others children.


Today was a tough one for many of us who are suffering severe battle fatigue and desperately want justice. Please try and find solace with God.


Whatever happens going forward I'm still in this fight as you are some of the most magnificent bastards I've ever had the pleasure of fighting with and I will continue to stand with you till the end.


Love you guy's (no homo)


Dear Father please protect and guide the faithful ANON'S, your SERVANTS, give them the strength to overcome the world and continue to lead us to the LIGHT. Amen