Anonymous ID: 81e66b Jan. 20, 2021, 5:39 p.m. No.12640614   🗄️.is 🔗kun

10 days is plenty of time to seperate the rice from the husk. They are working at super fast speeds to spread their wraith on those not in the club. Like a who's who of who is and who's not. Ya heard me? God speed Patriots!


How do Patriots worldwide feel today?

How did Trump feel today?

Trump is in Palm Beach after 5yrs of (fill in blank) and he is in Palm Beach.

Biden and the derp state administration will be brought down on day one.

God is way faster at crushing his lost children.

And when the troops get to view the evidence, who will object to corrective actions? Only fifth commiecolumnists would.


We want Biden alive at all costs. Is why they keep him protected. Biden wants Biden dead more than ANYONE in the universe.

He shall stand and face…


Who executed no name and kicked the Bushes?

He was told by ]who[ to thumb down?

Was that a defeat, or were we watching a movie?

Trivia, pick out the other actors.

What makes great theater? Great actors. How do you captivate an audience?

How do you feel today anon?

How do normies who see the tragedy feel?

Game theory.



How do you feel today anon?

Is it a good game yet?

Why worry when you've already won?

Shills, defeatist, and concernfags can btfo.

I'm comfefe in my timeliline.


If you're all out of hopium and that shill is starting to sound convincing, then you have certainly gotten your monies worth from participating in "the game."

>Fincher said that the film is about "loss of control." "The purpose of The Game is to take your greatest fear, put it this close to your face and say 'There, you're still alive. It's all right.'"


"If he can claim intelligence, da fuck I'm not Dr. Statecraft"