Nigerians landed at Stanstead Airport.
Swedes are still flying patrols off the Lebanese / Israeli coast.
Beanz outed herself as an activist. Corsi already took the money.
Spoopy 2-planes have also used Oxford Airport and Biggin Hill too.
I sense a reckoning in the offing between the Nigerians and who just torched their central bank (i.e. the ones that own it).
This. Beanz outed herself.
Could be, but I bet the Nigerians aren't happy at their cash monies getting burned. They had to scam hard to earn that cash monies.
Beanz Meanz Brainz Fartz.
It's Tracy Diaz.
That was a fake picture in an old bread. Kek-worthy though. "I think I'm pretty"…
Will he claim that the cabal did it? Kek