Anonymous ID: 5ea662 May 1, 2018, 2:11 p.m. No.1264634   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4723 >>4768


  1. There's a very good reason newfags are supposed to LURK for a long time

  2. There are many ways for newfags to get caught up - the spreadsheet is one (not complete but has many answers/digs found by anons, not just Q's posts)

  3. Oldfags typically have a very large amount of background knowledge on various topics, especially the taboo of taboos.

  4. JIDF targets both chans, cuckchan is now completely worthless, have moved here and are in full panic mode

  5. This also includes the constant religiousfagging (they are playing both sides, jew & christian)

Refer to #s 1 & 3 as to how it is blindingly obvious but not to newfags

  1. Chan IS chaos

  2. Chan is the meat-grinder, sausage-factory HURT BOX

  3. Understand that many oldfags also lurk most of the time and provide actual content sparingly. Just because you don't see someone/many pushing back against something doesn't mean it is accepted, it usually means it is being ignored.


Newfags may be top notch Patriots and stellar human beings, but still need to LURK, LURK and LERK some MOAR. That is not an unkindness or unwelcome mat, it's reality.


Welcome aboard, faggot!

Anonymous ID: 5ea662 May 1, 2018, 2:24 p.m. No.1264749   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Clinton should return the $1.65 million “for the love of the party” and because it’s “the Christian thing to do,” DNC officials say.

> and because it’s “the Christian thing to do,”

This is not meant as a religious slide, but they can't even see the enormous irony


Anonymous ID: 5ea662 May 1, 2018, 2:27 p.m. No.1264774   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Maybe take a look at the spreadsheet and see where the oles are or answers that are more updated than in there, or are different due to info that has come out since.