Anonymous ID: 994158 May 1, 2018, 2:12 p.m. No.1264643   🗄️.is đź”—kun


There is something to the whole cube thing.


There is a person I know that teaches at one of the elite Universities - the person rose to the top of their field in what they now teach.


I think it was March 21… one of the big days in the occult calendar, the person came to me and was like "do you know what today is?"…. and I was like…. yeeeeeeaahhhhhhhh….. me expecting to hear about the occult day…. and then the person was like "oh… it's the 1st day of spring" or some bullshit


A few weeks later, I see same person wearing cube earrings - not real cubes, but the outline of a 3-d cube in gold…. no doubt it was a cube. Person is also a ginger….