Anonymous ID: ff04e4 May 1, 2018, 1:34 p.m. No.1264280   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>1264117 (prev)

>* points to literally EVERY country *


Points of ALL the Roths bank on Q list, you have a problem with that? If so you can stick it up your ass!

Anonymous ID: ff04e4 May 1, 2018, 2:13 p.m. No.1264650   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>What if you found out that the Royalty of the UK were actually German? What if you found out that the real Zionists are the royal families that have deceived the denizens of the UK for centuries?

>What if you found out that they illegitimately stole land from the Philistines (eventually the Palestinians) to setup Israel for those that IMPERSONATE the real Jews?

>What if I told you that the entirety of rogue nations with nukes was orchestrated by the fake Jews (Roths, Soros, etc) to entrap the USA (the only nation with the resources/power to undo the evil doers) into perpetual wars for their profit, gain, and eventual establishment of the world order in their image of "Satan"?

>What if I told you these groups of people are irrevocably tied to the assassination of JFK?

>What if what we're seeing is the dismantling of all that?

>What is the Palestinians found out that they were actually Egyptians?


What a time to be alive!