Anon, be at peace.
This is the only way it could happen, if it went Z.
The military won’t give the nuclear football to Biden.
That why Trump took it to Florida.
Anon, be at peace.
This is the only way it could happen, if it went Z.
The military won’t give the nuclear football to Biden.
That why Trump took it to Florida.
Nope, it was given to the Military in Palm Beach.
Better not be Foghorn, I love that anon.
Anon, hold.
First legal time for Z, today.
Not only bad optics,but Antifa and BLM all over DC. Not reported by msm.
Must give Norma Pope min to digest.
Nuclear football s in military hands.
Plan Z full steam ahead.
Dating sites also.
I wasn’t being sarcastic, they have full spectrum control
The best part is all of these soldiers where vetted.
None will be punished.