I posted this at the bottom of last bread, posting at the top here.
After much gnashing of teeth, I've come to a conclusion: the plan is going as planned. Details below, but here's the short version: Trump ran a winning campaign and let them cheat to win the election (only way they could). He didn't want to overturn the election results, forcing more hands into the cookie jar. Therefore, this was all supposed to happen as it has. The inauguration today was the precipice, the tipping point for everybody. Congrats, we made it!
Think about it. Trump ran a master campaign with huge rallies, and Joe was in the basement watching the corruption news about Hunter and his dick pics. Everybody knows Trump won the election and that the Democrats cheated. It's obvious to all but the most blind.
Instead of fighting the election fraud like he wanted to win, Trump put the Rudy/Lin/Sidney carnival show out front and center. They put some good info out to the public confirming what everyone already knew, but it was just a show. No offense to Rudy, Lin, and Sidney; great actors and legal minds. Trump didn't want to overturn the fraudulent election results to force the fraudulent inauguration. The whole process captured a lot more rats.
I believe this because of Trump's behavior these past few weeks. It was very uncharacteristic. He should have been raging up and down congressional aisles shoving all the evidence of election fraud in their faces on an RSBN feed. But he didn't. He appeared to be accepting the results since the "legal challenges" all fell flat (thanks carnival show).
This was all supposed to happen. Now, I believe justice comes.