yet. I don't know how that plays out but it hasn't happened YET.
Do we have any sauce that the video is of bidens motorcade and not just the rout being driven by someone?
Yes but is that from a car driving the official motorcade route when no VIP present?
Just because ABC says it doesn't make it true.
This place used to know that.
Oh thats because you have eyes and understand basic things.
Ignore and move on anon, not worth your time.
My point is, maybe they are just waiting for the start of the motorcade?
If they are at the parade route but theres nothing going on, there is no reason for them to be in formation.
If a staffer is driving the route to get to somewhere and is recording, there would be no call for them to stand at attention.
Also, that is obviously not the beast, the windows are to thin and clear.
One thing this anon has wondered is how long until we get some kind of proof?
Because waking up the public to this level of corruption and evil and then leaving them hanging could lead to acts of violence.
If the plan was for biden to win and then have things go down, how long was Q team estimating before patriots who felt abandoned and felt like the enemy was here, started to act?
A message from Trump or Q informing us that the plan failed would allow us to move on and move forward with pushing for justice.
I agree.
trying to VERIFY that he was there. without PROOF this video doesn't mean shit, it's just another 'Trump outside bidens window' slide.
If there is proof, this is a great moment to witness.
If there is a video that comes out that obviously shows this was some event staff driving and biden was no where near by, then guess what? we look stupid again.
This board runs on sauce.