Anonymous ID: 814c5d Jan. 20, 2021, 8:46 p.m. No.12643980   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4069 >>4079

The plan - decoded b4 the election by me - is still on track. Nothing so far has surprised me.


So CodesUCQ here if anyone knew my twitter feed now after ban - and I decoded Biden "winning" as part of the plan months ago all the way until I was suspended on Twitter two days ago.


The PA Voter Fraud case is scheduled to start 2 days from now. However based on all the 100 comms I see around he won't be removed for months.


Other decodes I made suggested all of this was planned out with all major players involved, this includes Biden and MSM, both of which were flipped within the past year. (wish I could link those threads) MSM was largely flipped thru sealed cases & Biden was flipped thru Durham + Treason Chat log leverage. (and many more flips)


Biden will will turn everything Orwellian 1984 (more so than it already is) He will come to own the lockdowns as well as his intentions are already public that he will go much further than Trump. Trump even rolled back his travel restrictions today as Biden announced he would re-impose them. -So he'll own all of it.


+100 days is the length of time that will clean Trump's image for his return. The multi-year brainwash and inciting of anger will be over and people on the left can finally calm down and many will begin to be able to see reason. All the while Impeachment will stall Biden's cabinet and as that case directly involves Voter Fraud as the inciting event for riots - that may be exposed there as well, but it's the Supreme Court case where the final say will be had (Just like Bush V Gore 2000)


Those 200K Sealed cases are leverage that keeps the game won. Q's posts about winning weren't fantasy, they won so hard they were able to put on any movie they wanted to. They chose the only movie that would wake more than just a part of the right wing from a long slumber.


With Biden as "king" + Congress in D hands = the end of ousting him + foreign powers behind him will re-create 1776!


Think about the two scenarios. Trump won outright = We are given a "win" and then many begin to lose interest as it seemed "Deep State" was never that scary - perhaps it was all a lie? No, this plan amplifies the image of tyranny so we never forget what a gift freedom is. It gives the left a chance to wake up. MSM watchers could never do that without being removed from boogey man Trump.


If Trump won we might have gotten an arbitrary DECLAS - sure it's DECLAS but there's no speaker for it. If DECLAS makes no sound, did it even happen?


But hey, we might be getting to see prison-executions for clowns instead of flips. But this would also trigger WW3 as China/EU/etc would take the accusations (even tho provable) as acts of war. (I saw this explicitly referenced in comms) and so while fighting China and risking countless lives in battle - we'd simultaneously be fighting against the big tech's censorship. And because of how many people the left worships being caught up in it? It would then turn into a civil war as the left would readily accept it all as propaganda. So Civil + WW3? for what? papers and photos and videos saying "they did it"


The current plan fixes all of these things and then some.


Instead of WW3 we get Merkel (de-facto leader of the EU) stepping down. No hostage situations all over the world, instead a path to amplification of truth with cooperation.


Instead of Civil War we get the MSM allowing themselves to be exposed in exchange for certain guarantees.


Don't get me wrong, from what I'm seeing many will go to jail and some executed, but the ones that try for redemption will be largely salvaged. And thank god for that.


Many have been gaslit on the prevalence of the worst crimes committed, some viewed celebrities as baby eating drug addicts. That was brainwash specifically made to make us look like lunatics (what perception was easily created on the 6th again?) there was evil, lots of evil, including serial child murderers, but those were a minority and from what I've seen hey aren't getting deals. The rest of them are more complex. Many took money and were blackmailed and/or trapped in a lifestyle are held there by a fear of their kids being murdered if they turn.


And even if they were killed, even if MSM's censors were 100% gone, even if China allows all to be revealed without a fight. Even if all those things happened, it still wouldn't fix the largest problem


This plan fixes that largest problem. The problem of being "given" the win. Oh hey, we won! yippie… and what then? I'll tell you, most would just go back to their old routines which were built over decades of brainwash.


This plan forces people to open their eyes, not because of a DECLAS which says X is true, Y is false, and MSM is a criminal, but because they are given a much needed wake-up call to break free of conditioning.

Anonymous ID: 814c5d Jan. 20, 2021, 9:02 p.m. No.12644199   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I never had a donation thing tho or merchandise. Heck I never even used hashtags or posted anywhere outside of my feed.


today is the first time I've ever posted my feed here on 8kun and I'm only doing it because I felt people could use a little good news. I tweeted for years daily with decodes, 12 hours a day, and my audience at its height was under 18k followers. I never dwelled on getting decodes correct or anything like that but in retrospect my accuracy rating was pretty high. So I thought people would like to hear this one.