Anonymous ID: d6332c Jan. 20, 2021, 8:27 p.m. No.12643697   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>12642585 (prev bread)

What in the ever loving fuck?

The greatest discovery here is this place.

Here we have people coming together to try and figure this shit out.

I believe Trump and team had good intensions. But failed. Maybe they just lost the evidence and couldn't go after the election any further.

Think about where we started!

If Trump came out with the "Mic Drop " moment he has no credibility w/ 1/2 the country! These are difficult parameters to balance.

Here's the good news: Despite no one "saving" America the way we hoped we still have the power of discovery as a group. And we have awakened to their tactics. We know the enemy. Now we need leadership and to get organized so we can fight this bullshit (legally of course) once and for all. For fuck sakes man! Don't throw it all away now. This movement is but a seedling. We should stop looking for spoon feeders like Q and learn to govern ourselves.