Anonymous ID: 6249ba Jan. 20, 2021, 11:48 p.m. No.12646144   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6375




Almonds got tickled when anon saw this ZH headline. Now supposedly (some say) white hat elements were infiltrated into the Jan. 6 Capitol events. Today it looks like Pantifa stilll has their panties in a wad, and don't accept Biden.


Thinking logically, if the Dems were fully in control of Pantifa / BLM, then we would expect them to stand down. So what if…..white hats WERE infiltrated and not just at the Capitol? Is it possible that the rage being stoked now is more related to RED4 in Q-4414?


Some things make you go hmm….

Let us ALSO not forget that 35 out of the 37 riot cities were central bank locations according to Catherine Austin Fitts. Hasn't it been one of Trump's foundational goals to rid the world of the Central Banks??


Riots were what got all 50 states to authorize the use of troops, effectively handing Trump the conditions he needed to invoke his Executive order, amirite? So how crazy is it, that white hats could have been on hand, INFILTRATED, to make SURE that the riots reached a certain level? It's a dirty game, as they say. Should we put it past our side to get their hands dirty as well?


I'm interested in others' input. It could explain a lot, and set us up for RED4.

Anonymous ID: 6249ba Jan. 20, 2021, 11:55 p.m. No.12646189   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Point flew right by you. The point is, find any place on a map and start looking, and people will say 'oh look at that pedo symbol on the sign', 'oh look at the gematria of that address', 'oh look at the alignment of that spot with this other landmark.'


At some point it gets to be ridiculous, but it does keep us occupied. Be aware is what I'm saying.

Anonymous ID: 6249ba Jan. 21, 2021, 12:30 a.m. No.12646533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6556 >>6582 >>6608 >>6641

Thats the problem with all these cheer leaders and ringleaders. I'm not even going to say being paid by advertisers is a bad thing…..lets recognize this is their full time job in many cases.


But at the end of the day they have hundreds of thousands of 'followers' who hinge a lot of hopes on what they say, and are eventually let down. Me included. I used to hand on Corsi's every word. Even still I listed to X22 a lot, and find myself getting wrapped up in the theories.


They are just theories. Even though Dave is very bright and has good sources, IMO he is selling hopium. He is the opposite of say, SGT Sean. I like his stuff as well, even though it is mostly the cynical view.


None of these guys is right all the time, especially like today where they are trying to make Biden fit within the Plan. Give me a fucking break.

Anonymous ID: 6249ba Jan. 21, 2021, 12:58 a.m. No.12646801   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Something else bugging me here.


Our side leading into the last day seemed discombobulated. Barely heard a peep from some of these people like Rudy. Others appearing to back pedal, like ECW. That tells me they were not really on the 'in' as we may have thought. Like Q said, less than 10 people know the details, something like that.


Its obvious whatever the Plan is, it is still closely kept. Just hope they can carry it out before Bidan replaces all teh mil. leadership.