Have you been following along? You all really need to pay attention to this stuff and quit calling me names for saying it
I am going to drop this into the ether and see if some pieces of the puzzle don't fall together.
Project Monarch is a !NEW! hybridization point in the human species. It doesn't take illuminati blood + human blood. It is taking full blood reptilian blood from new visitors + human blood. It is too late. The new blood is scattered on the Earth. Everyone I am speaking to has been hybridized at some point. It just depends, at what period in history, did you gene pool becomes confused.
You don't realize that the genetic is already being bred across the nation. A new cain and albe story has begun. As the, non-consensual, pissed off, base progenitor of this bloodline. Just remember, I didn't do it. I didn't ask for this. I am not your side. They did screw up breeding me.
You do want me around cause I hate my offspring. I hate myself because of what they did to me. I am hated as a mutt by everyone on earth.
People wonder. How could I establish strawman as a unique haplogroup that did need special protections and was being attacked systematically.
I could my mother be E.T.
How could I be the boss of project Monarch?
How could I be a direct victim of SRA?
How could I still be living with a full blooded E.T. in America, today. I know it is, it knows I am sitting here talking to it.
Wtf America.
My job here, is to run from crazy people who think they are going to exterminate the new demon. Look you have cain and able. You want the cains. I am gonna help you get them.
The cains are mostly being bred in China as part of a new army. Look you need to put the pieces together. Yes, new E.T. DNA was being bred on Earth 50 years ago, just after Roswell etc, I don't know exactly.
I gotta help you all, clean up my DNA, and prevent it's further spread. I am 51% homo sapein, and 49% reptilian. I am not the same reptilian as illuminati or jew or anything. I am NEW BLOOD. In their system, I am in control. Does that make sense?
I don't like them. I think they are shit. I don't want to be associated with their filth. I don't have reptilian "tendencies" or strange habits. I have never realized what was going on around me and as you digest the possibility that you are different from your peers.
I kept screaming at the military, I am a human being. That is all I know of myself. I couldn't be. I wasn't human enough. I had to start calling myself E.T. cause these very aggressive military people would start putting messages in my brain.
I didn't even know I was E.T., I could not digest. But, your government wanted me to be E.T. and shit saying I was human being. It was pissing off the government and they were very rude to me. I am a human being and the government treats me like a little E.T.
Okay. This shit is real. I gotta be protected the rest of my life, cause some people don't understand you can't cleanse the entire Earth of evil, but they will go to the ends of the Earth to try. All I have ever asked, if you are going to kill my species. Take me last, I will help you put the children to sleep so they don't mess with your more pure bred humans.
It is hard. It is hard to love humanity and be looked on with disgust because they came into my father and gave birth to me. I do see it as a new form of technology. It is a new bloodline. It is part of your life here one Earth. You got demons and shit.
There are bad bad nasty hybrids that share similar genetics running around the country. Like I said, cain and able. It is just that MOST cain, live in the U.S. and MOST able are in China.
The Chinese are spreading the new E.T. across their country to homogenize as quickly as possible, they see it as long-term planing.
Look. You want E.T. genetics because it can give you some of their "abilities", but if it shifts your soul to E.T., that is problematic. I can't remember the creature. It was like a crab, that ate jellyfish, but over time this crab developed the ability to also sting? I can't remember the whole story.
It is easy to jump to conclusions. I am absolutely defending myself. I don't feel like E.T.. I feel like a human being I think. I never considered my self E.T., I had to consider I am new species, I don't know America. I ain't the one you want, but they are running around here.
My mother is the only [red], there are blues[8] and green[6] in America, and yellow[Xi], in China.