It sure seems as though Trump did something to split Washington off from us.
2300 Troops sworn in as Federal Marshals = asset collection ( bankruptcy)
13 star EU flag = New EU flag adding Washington
Red Coats perform for Joe
POTUS taped Farewell speech he Uses United States in the beginning while referring things that were presumably about Biden then switches to use America when talking about himself or the Country for the rest of the speech.
He didn't end his airport Speech with God Bless America and Lee Greenwood song did not play as he entered the stage.
Melania never said US or America only Nation.
His arrival motorcade played Lee greenwood on loop.
He began using song My way = he is not afraid to use bankruptcy laws to restructure so a solution to a fraudulent election by means of bankrupting the corporation United States would certainly be HIS WAY
At the airport he said UMCA, that is Mexico and Canada but didn't say Untied States.
Joe said his letter was generous but won't know until he speaks with him privately. Is Trump offering to buy the land known as Washington? it's useless land without even an airport.