Anonymous ID: e5b097 Jan. 21, 2021, 10:02 a.m. No.12652516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2633 >>2782 >>2785 >>2951

>>12650558 (pb)

The conditions to allow this have only been met just 25 hours ago.


"Territory is considered occupied when it is ACTUALLY placed under the authority of the hostile forces." - DoD Law of War Manual

All must be done according to LAW.


You are not meant to be reading tea leaves. You are meant to be supporting others once it becomes public, assisting them through the massive dissonance they will need to overcome. This was meant to be a roadmap to follow along with events, not predict them. This is why Future proves past.


You need to stop jumping to conclusions.

Did you think we planned for 4 years just to let something slip through the cracks? Have you considered maybe (YOU) and others (normies) NEED to learn a lesson so hard that this NEVER happens again? To truly see the darkness of what was going to happen before someone swoops in and saves you (brings back the light)?


Biden is zero danger currently, even as "President". You simply cannot see what is going on, (they) are FAR from COMFY. Keep watching. Why do you think the NG is remaining until Jan 31st? What do you think DARKNESS meant? What do you think [moment of destruction] meant?


All is out of your control at this point. Dividing people further is simply counterproductive and seen as a combative state to the movement. Watch your mouth calling out the people that serve every day FOR YOU, the people that are actively undertaking Gods work and extinguishing EVIL worldwide. You simply do this because you cannot see what they are working on and what they go through every day. Show some gratitude and gain some perspective.