operation has morphed into long term study on how to disrupt the planning of the opposition
Joe does so that is enough sauce for me to confirm that wray is crooked as fuck just like Joe
Not h8ting on you, but please consider the possibility that q was lying out his ass to help maintain the corrupt status quo.
>I thought
You thought correctly. He hates certain behaviors or actions with a passion though. Perhaps you should self reflect.
free thinker before and after q
trust only God before and after q
trust in humanity is an abomination
[1Jo 1:9 KJV] 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
>He hates certain behaviors or actions with a passion though
This is what I said. Other poster stated that. Check id's first before posting please.