Anonymous ID: edfba7 Jan. 21, 2021, 11:28 a.m. No.12653799   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Is there no one willing to fight for America?


I been watching this board. You’re all a bunch of fucking pussies! What in the holy FUCK! Nobody needs a re-education camp with you faggots around. You’re brainwashing the patriots into rolling over and taking it up the fucking ASS HOLE. Then presenting a play by play presentation of the rape scene. No wonder you pieces of shit want to try to stay anonymous.


Did Jesus stay anonymous? Say disinformation is necessary? This is the most SATANIC scene I’ve ever seen in my life.


People, (person) whoever is allowed to see this, we have to make a stand. You’re seriously fucked in the head if you’re trusting a plan you don’t know. Holy fucking shit. This is going to be a blood bath on an epic scale. The brainwash is thick up in here.