Anonymous ID: 8e5147 Jan. 21, 2021, 11:59 a.m. No.12654308   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Good afternoon anons, wishing that you all are in good spirits!


Been feeling very comfy and cozy throughout the past week. The journey has been enlightening and a blessing. Sometimes the toughest times give us insight. The best is yet to come! For those who are worried what will happen, remember that death is just an illusion. We are already one. You and I don't exist per-se. We are mere illusions.


God bless DJT, his family, and all Patriots worldwide. May God continue to awaken those who are asleep. Love you all frens! Thank you for those late night chats, those natural medicine chats, and all of your love! I think we will have a new journey in front of us soon - to help those who will soon wake up to the truth. We were once brainwashed too and woke up to the illusion.


Love and light to you all!