"Mil Ops fail threats on lives" is just another "sources" from some nutbar in Lower Manhattan in his studio apartment opining on his navel lint.
If the DS could threaten Trump's close family, they would've done that long ago.
"Mil Ops fail threats on lives" is just another "sources" from some nutbar in Lower Manhattan in his studio apartment opining on his navel lint.
If the DS could threaten Trump's close family, they would've done that long ago.
I saw 10th Mountain combat patches on right sleeves today in the YouTbue, but couldn't find a left arm active unit patch that matched an active division.
Not saying they aren't there and certainly those guys coming off the bus had combat experience, but I couldn't identify the active unit patch.
Awesome anon - but would they do a subdued version round without the airborne banner?
Different angle on the Active Unit patch coming from the bus in DC today. Totally flummoxed on this one.